Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Today was a good day

No...i'm not going to quote Ice Cube lyrics. Maybe a little...we'll see what kind of mood i'm in once I have finished saying what it is I have to say.

Today was a huge day in my life. I joined AFTRA today. That is the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. What this means? I have offically taken a large step into the acting world. I am so very excited. I am now in this union and can start auditioning for principal rolls. So, yeah i'm fucking stoked. Big Big step for me.

Yay meeee!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Damn it again

In case your wondering whats up with the title, just scroll down to the first edition of "Damn it". I have broke another phone. 4 in less than a year. I lost all my numbers and ruined a phone because something in my tetris game i was playing shorted the phone. Don't ask me how. Damn it!

Its been awhile

Its been way too long since i've gotten down with some opinions on life, the world, obama, and...um...stuff.

First off, I love Anne Hathaway. I love her movies, her personality, her everything. I want to go to there. That's it, I just wanted to make my love for her public.

Many new things have happened with myself in the recent months. I have decided to start acting. It's going quite well. I will be joining the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists or AFTRA as its known in the biz. Its my first step before joining SAG. Pipe dream?...maybe, but I am having so much fun, I don't take my self too seriously, and i'm getting a ton of work. There's something to say about that. So, yeah, i'm super stoked.

This next section is devoted to my un-appreciation to Sanders hating on me for my recent lack of blogging. She called me a poser blogger. F that S. This is the real deal coming from a real blogger. So eat my bum.

Let's talk about Barrack Obama for a moment. He's what...40 days in? His rhetoric is screaming far left socialism and i'm not happy. I watched multiple clips from his inauguration and many points he made were the same points Bush was making for the past four years. His picks for cabinet members haven't been the best. Tax fraud, a republican (who decided against it), and Hillary Clinton. Scary. Now as far as his stimulus bill, well if you want to know if the idea is good or not, just look at what the market did after he signed the pork-laden bill into law. It once again plummeted...but whats new with that? I'm just nervous, I want to stay positive, and I'm glad Bush is back in Crawford. Oh and on a side note that is insanely funny to me, all the young college kids that rallied for Obama in droves are finally understanding that all this money he is printing and spending is going to be debt put upon they're shoulders. Actually...my shoulders too. But my point is, they are second guessing their decision. I love it.

FUCK ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER!! FUCK CALIFORNIA STATE ASSEMBLYMEN, FUCK CALIFORNIA STATE SENATORS, AND FUCK YOU MIKE VALINES!!! I am absolutely livid with California politics. These left wing douche bags and the supposed fiscal conservatives have just raised our taxes by 14 billion a year. That comes out to around $1400 a year per person. And what does it go to pay for you ask? Illegal alien health care, bloated prison guards salaries, and their lack of discipline when it comes to spending money wisely. They all need to be recalled. But schwarzenegger is the worst. He campaigned on fiscal conservatism after Grey Davis' screw up with our state's economy. And now, we have the highest sales tax, the highest per capita state income tax, and the highest gas tax. Oil per barrel is right around $37 dollars right now, yet our gas prices are still around $2.20. Give me a break...PLEASE!!! You all deserve to rott in a bad place.

Well friends, there is my update. I'm doing quite well, i'm happy, i've been skating a lot, working, and having fun. Oh, and i'm 6 years sober as of a month ago. So, life is just great. I will try to get back in the rhythm of blogging. Thanks for the love and support.

Oh...by the way. I broke another phone. :(


Saturday, December 6, 2008

O.J. Simpson

After watching his tearful speech apologizing for his set of crimes, I kind of felt sorry for the lovable ol' "Juice". Remember the good old days when he played the funny character in the Naked Gun movies? I think, if a person can get away with double murder, then he should have immunity from all other crimes because he is just too good to be caught and sent to prison. 15 years with possible parole in 7 is a bit harsh. I still love ya Juice....OH, and Juice...take care of your corn hole man.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Why is "The Hills" so addicting?

I hate it. I feel like such a femme. It's soooo good. I get wrapped up in Heidi and Spencer and their dramatic love life. I laugh at Justin Bobby's hipster cool guyness. (or maybe gayness) I ponder at what goes on through Audrina's head. It reminds me of those Simpson's episodes when the camera would go inside Homers head and there would be monkeys dancing or a donkey sitting next to a tree with his tail moving a little bit, just nothing really going on...that's Audrina. And lets talk about the on again off again mustache of LC. Its there one week and its gone the next. Oh and lets not forget Loe and her priceless facial expressions. I love it. I hate it. Damn you MTV for turning me into a Hills fan. I hate myself. I've really lost it.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Damn It

I was so excited about my eggroll...I left my phone in the phoniex airport. I'm sad.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Spin on Current Issues

Well...Al-Qaida gives us some new dinner theater with a new video from their number 2 Ayman al-Zawahri a.k.a #2 douche bag. Calling Barrack Obama a "house negro" isn't very nice, but would you expect anything more from a man like this? The press is treating this like a complete slap in President-Elect Obama's face. But what did you want the video to say? "Hey, Obama. We love you, you terrorist sympathizing communist." "Lets hug it out and let bygones be bygones." Nope, that's not what is ever going to happen. I really hope that Obama brings the troops home and diverts some to Afghanistan to find these guys and stone them. I'm over Al-Qaida.

Female astronaut loses tool bag in space on her first space mission and first space walk ever. LOL. There goes the neighborhood.

Former Senator Stevens loses Alaskan race. Have fun in jail buddy. You deserve it. And by the way, Alaska see's a democratic Senator for the first time in a long time. Maybe this guy wont spend so much time waking up and watching Russia. (jab at Palin...I don't like her)

Well Dick Cheney is indicted by the Texas Grand Jury (lol...Texas) along with former A.G. Alberto Gonzalez. I can't find much on this, and I don't really know how I feel. I mean, personally I don't know where I stand on torture of prisoners. I leave that decision to the professionals. And secret prisons I believe are a good idea, keep our enemies guessing. So, all I will say is Fuck Cheney and Gonzalez. They are both corrupt as fuck and deserve to rot in jail. We should bring back drawing and quartering. That would make for some interesting dinner theater.

Paulson does not want his 700 billion to go to bailing out homeowners or auto makers but instead just to go to the banks so they will start lending again so we can get into more debt, buy more things we can't afford, get us back to the good ol days of fat, happy, apathetic Americans. I'm sick of that culture. Someone please take this guy out back behind the shed and shoot him. I am fucking over his lies. We need oversight and transparency. And no one in congress will REALLY stand up to this guy. It's a total shame. Congress men and women care more about keeping there jobs then doing the right thing for Americans.

Now I do not agree with any money going to the Big 3 and these guys are back on the hill trying to get yours and my money. You may not believe that, but its true. If its their time to go down, then that's the natural fluidity of life and business. Besides, we don't need SUV's anymore. We need hybrids, hydrogen vehicles, flex fuel. It's too bad American auto makers have fallen behind the curve. Foreign car manufactures don't have American special interest at heart, maybe that's why they are leading the charge in fuel efficient cars.

I am upset with America and yet there is no where else I would rather be. Quite a conundrum.

Wuka Wuka